Plateau Road



Rate calculator

    To understand basic risk you need to know the number of events and the number of the population in which the events occurred.

  • When you want to know:
  • the incidence per 100,000: divide the events by the population and multiple by 100,000
  • the number of persons needed in a population to have 1 incident: divide the population by the events
  • the percent of events in a population: divide the events by the population and multiple by 100

Rate calculator2

Event / population risk.

To understand basic risk you need to know the number of events and the number of the population in which the events occurred. Enter 2 fields: the number of events and the number in the population, and choose your operator:

  • e -the events (incidence) per 100,000:
  • p -the number of persons needed in a population to have 1 incident:
  • q - a test fn: to multiple the number of events by 100